Optimize your health & fitness without the misery

Welcome to a training program that is enjoyable, customized, and sustainable

Whatever you've been struggling with in regards to your health or fitness, don't wait to get help and start taking meaningful action.

Think of the things you've tried in the past. If they didn't work before, then it's time to try a new approach. If something did work in the past, but you didn't stick with with it and you lost your progress, then maybe you keep some of the things that worked before, but modify the aspects that weren't sustainable so you can have better long term sustainable results.

  • Comprehensive assessments so we're never guessing about what you need to prioritize

  • 1 on 1 Training programs for people that want as much attention as possible each session.

  • Customized Small Group Training sessions for people that want a more affordable option than 1 on 1 training, or who want more of a social environment to make workouts more fun and supportive.

  • Personalized nutrition coaching based on your lifestyle, preferences, goals, and desired timelines.

  • No "one size fits all" or "cookie cutter" approaches that miss the mark on what you need or what is safe for you

  • No arbitrary deadlines, benchmarks, or agendas for you to live up to.

  • No super strict diets that make you miserable and make it impossible to stick with long term.

  • No sadistic workouts that make you feel nauseous, dizzy, or so sore that you can't move for 3 days.

FAQ - Here are some common questions we get

How long are the sessions?

Typically sessions are an hour long, other than the one time intake assessment session which is 90 minutes. If a client wants shorter or longer sessions, I'll discuss it individually with them and make a decision on a case by case basis whether it makes sense to do that.

What if I'm not as fit as other people in your small group sessions?

Every member of the small group training sessions get their own 100% customized 4 to 8 week training plan. Rarely do 2 members have the exact same workout. Each person’s training plan is individualized to their goals, needs, abilities, and limitations. Each person has their own personalized warm up, their own personalized strength program, their own personalized cardio/conditioning program, their own personalized mobility/flexibility program, etc. The difficulty level and pace of each individuals workout is unique and personalized to that person.

Are the group training sessions competitive?

In general the answer is no. It's not like Crossfit or Orange Theory. The only person I encourage you to compete with is yourself. If you happen to be training in the same group as a friend or family member that you would like to have a little friendly and supportive competition with, as long as it is safe and appropriate I'm happy to come up with ways you can challenge each other.

I have chronic pain and/or a current/past injury, is it ok for me to start training?

In most cases, yes. There are certainly exceptions, but if your doctor has cleared you for physical activity, then you can safely start training here. We do a very comprehensive system of testing and assessments to know what positions, motions, and exercises will be safe and pain free. I have over 22 years of experience helping people work around vulnerable areas, or carefully working through them.

Am I too old to workout and improve my fitness?

Absolutely not. As long as you’re breathing, it is never too late to get started. I’ve successfully worked with clients in their 80s, and had no problems creating a safe and appropriate workout program tailored to their specific goals, abilities, and limitations.

Can you guarantee specific results in a specific time frame?

In general I would say no. There are too many important variables that I have no control over. When it comes to weight loss or other physique modification goals, I can't control whether or not my clients follow through with their nutrition plan or other important behaviors outside the gym. When it comes to pain, I'm not a medical professional and don't treat medical issues. When it comes to sports performance, I have no control over a clients genetics, fitness history, lifestyle outside the gym, and many other factors. What I can promise is that no matter what your goals are, I will help you create a plan that will focus on making improvements in that area in a safe and effective way, and that if you follow that plan consistently you will make progress towards your goals. I also promise that if you ever feel stuck, that I will go the extra mile to troubleshoot what isn't working, and what changes to make to get back on track.

What is the cost of your training programs?

There are a number of options for both the 1 on 1 and small group training programs. The cost varies based on how frequently you plan on training, as well as, whether you want to do a month to month program or commit to a 3, 6 or 12 month program. When someone goes through their free consultation I go over the cost details based on which option seems like the best fit for that individual. To give a general overview so people can see if this might fit their budget, the 1 on 1 program ranges from 450 to 1560 per month and the small group training program ranges from 255 to 485 per month. I also offer remote coaching coaching or remote workout program design starting at 100 per month.

Why are your rates more expensive than other training programs I've seen?

I know there are exceptions, but it is often true that you get what you pay for. Not everyone is created equal. I'm sure you can find plenty of fitness programs or trainers & coaches that charge less than I do, but you have to look at what you're getting or not getting. With me you get someone with over 22 years of experience, in depth hands on education, I invest thousands every year on continuing education to be the best professional I can be, I limit the size of my groups to 6-8 people so I can provide plenty of personal attention to each person. If the level of customization and specialized approaches you'll find here don't seem like a good fit, I'd be happy to recommend 2 or 3 other options in the area that are more affordable. For people in their teens, 20s, and maybe even early 30s that have no injury history, a one size fits all group training program, or a trainer with less experience might still get you to your goals safely and effectively. On the other hand for people over 35, especially ones with injury history, it's taking a huge gamble with your long term health & safety to pick a fitness program based on price alone.

Do clients pay by the session, the week, the month?

One on one sessions can be purchased in a single session, by the month, or in programs of 3, 6, or 12 months long. Small group training can be purchased by the month, or in programs of 3, 6, or 12 months long. Most people start by doing month to month, and if they like it here and want to save money over the long term they upgrade to a 6 or 12 month program.

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